Friday, October 12, 2012

Biden Gives Ryan the Ole VP-DP

Last night the world got it's first real look at Vice-Presidential candidate and former secretary of super-set bicep curls Paul Ryan. He faced off against incumbent Joe Biden, who had apparently smoked vaporizer and subsequently could not stop laughing at Ryan's impersonation of a Muppet stricken with love. Let's make like Chris Jericho and break the walls down:

1. Substance: Interesting how Vice-Presidential candidates seemed to have more to say than their presidential counter-parts. Ryan, a self-proclaimed "numbers guy", indeed has an impressive knack for spitting out numbers without hesitation. Biden, who spent the entire day watching Stone-Cold Steve Austin videos on YouTube, came to lay the smacketh-down on Ryan's candy ass. Biden's experience definitely payed off. He was able to communicate policy specifics in simplified terms. Both offered fairly substantial arguments for the most part (Auto-bailout, Iraq and Afghanistan, Tax-cuts, individual liberties, Medicare), so I won't declare either the victor in terms of substance.

2. Interruptions: Got to give this category to Biden. He was talking over Ryan like he was Jim Lehrer. If you're allowed to get away with it, you might as well. Biden may have came off as a bit of a doucher, but Ryan takes the cake in the next category.

3. Douchiness: Not sure what it is, but this guys a reaaalllll doucher.
4. Gaffes: Not too many screw-ups last night...I guess the main contradiction I noticed was Ryan stated "I don't see any way that you can separate your personal life from your public life." He wasn't contradicting himself here, he was just contradicting some stinky, old, brown document that people are like OBSESSED with.

5. Foreign Policy: Biden wins here. He did not hesitate to demand specifics whenever Ryan spewed some vague rhetoric. Biden might not have had his facts entirely straight concerning our future interactions with Afghanistan, and Ryan held his own in regards to an area that isn't really his forte, but Democrats went from six-to-midnight when they heard Biden repeatedly request specifics in regards to how the Romney-Ryan administration's foreign policy would significantly differ. I also liked how Ryan mentioned that he and Willard would restore the cooperation of a bipartisan congress...?

6. Let's talk about abortions: I assume the majority of undecided Americans side with Mr. Biden on this one.

7. Ensemble: Romney and Ryan are determined to have bigger American flag pins. They shouldn't be trying to win over the demographic they've already won. Also, Paul Ryan's tie made him look like a fart-whiffer.

8. Healthcare: I don't think anyone who's watched both debates has any idea what is going on/will go on with our healthcare system. Why does Joe Biden want to put grandma down? Why does Paul Ryan hate people who are 55 but love those who are 57? I'm confused. I think Romney might end up having a more beneficial plan for a fella like myself, but my instinctual compassion leads me to favor Obama's.

9. Who had the better listening-face? Biden would've taken this category easily if he hadn't maniacally laughed every time Paul Ryan spoke. He could've peppered in some condescending laughter and ran away with the thing. By constantly mocking his opponent he gave Ryan MORE credibility and maybe even a little sympathy. Paul Ryan's listening face looked like an amateur actor improving a back-up role as "sensitive guy who listens intently."

10. Zingers: These guys couldn't even be the opening acts for Willard "The Zing King" Romnington, but they held their own up there. Biden laughed at Ryan like he was Mitt Romney watching "Mind of Mencia."

11. On Defense: Obama-Biden just have so much more credibility in terms of experience. I like the proposal for a leaner, more specialized military. I know there are a few hundred-thousand troops that might disagree with me, but they can just go to state/community colleges like the rest of us. THE SYSTEM WORKS!


Biden won but Ryan held his own. I think Biden won simply by exceeding expectations and giving the people something to talk about until Barry O can get back up to the plate. His brash, unabashed confidence was refreshing and his credentials are pretty impressive. I liked how he often referenced the olden times where he and and Tip O'Neil would vigorously work to enable compromise and build a better America alongside Reagan and Bush. Well-played, Joe.

Other Notes:

Just one......Lyndon Larouche turned 90 a month ago! NOW THERE'S a guy I can see at the helm of this great nation. I'm sure there was some conspiracy behind why he couldn't blow out all 90 candles.

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